BlueStorm/LP Software Installation Guide for QNX 4.2x


This software installation guide is designed to help users successfully install the BlueStorm/LP serial adapter under the QNX 4.2x platform.
Before beginning the software installation, please be sure to read the product manual for hardware installation/configuration instructions.
To make the instructions easy to follow, all commands that have to be issued on the command line are written in bold text.
NOTE: You must be logged in as root to perform this installation

Preamble: Getting Your System Ready

Before you begin the installation process, you will need to have two applications running so you will be able to read from the DOS diskette. To run these applications, enter the following two commands from the command line:

# Fsys.floppy &
# Dosfsys &

These particular applications may be running by default (these are QNX applications), and therefore you may not have to issue the previous commands. Please see the QNX documentation for more details about Dosfsys and Fsys.floppy

Installing the Driver

  • Go to the root directory by issuing the command:
    # cd /
  • If you downloaded the *.tar file from the website, you will need to untar it first.
    The *.tar file contains qnx4.F and readme.txt files.

    • tar xvf BL-QNX4_XXXX.tar
      Where XXXX is the version number
  • To install the driver:
    # install -u /..PATH../qnx4
    Where PATH is the location of the qnx4.F file
  • If you are using the driver diskette, issue the following command:
    # install -u /dos/a/qnx4/qnx4
  • Once the installation script starts, follow instructions to finish the installation. You can also see where the files are being copied to

Command Line Arguments

The BlueStorm/LP driver, Dev.ctiser, can be controlled with the following command line arguments:

# Dev.bluestorm &
The command above will start Dev.ctiser, the default BlueStorm/LP serial driver (32-bit version).

# Dev.bluestorm -zd Dev16.ctiser &
This command starts Dev16.ctiser instead of Dev.ctiser by using the -zd option.

# Dev.bluestorm -N bl &
This command gives the BlueStorm/LP serial ports unique names (bl) instead of the default “ser”.
If you look in the /dev directory, you would see 8 bl entries (bl1 – bl8), representing your Titan serial ports.

For more command line options, issue the following commands:
# use Dev.bluestorm
# use Dev.ctiser

Dev.bluestorm operates with the following command line parameters:

  • ID=addr,write,read Check card for ID
  • -b number Define initial baud rate (default 9600)
  • -C number Size of canonical input buffer (default 256)
  • -d Set DSR on initially (default)
  • -D Set DSR off initially
  • -e Set options to “edit” mode
  • -E Set options to “raw” mode (default)
  • -f Enable and lock hardware flow control (default)
  • -F Disable hardware flow control
  • -h number Define high-water mark for input flow control
  • (default 3/4 point of input buffer)
  • -I number Size of raw input buffer (default 2048)
  • -l number Define low-water mark for input flow control
  • (default 1/4 point of input buffer)
  • -m Disable modem carrier processing (HUP)
  • -M Enable modem processing (HUP) (default)
  • -N name Prefix to register (default “ser”)
  • -O number Size of output buffer (default 2048)
  • -p Enable packet mode. (Modem status change causes “packet” event).
  • -P Disable packet mode (default).
  • -r Set RTS on initially (default)
  • -R Set RTS off initially
  • -s Enable ohflow split (CTS only required) (default)
  • -S Disable ohflow split (CTS+DSR required)
  • -t number UART FIFO threshold (1, 4, 8 or 14). 0 disables. (default -t4 or 16)
  • -V Enable verbose mode, great for debugging
  • -w Enable hardware shutdown on SIGPWR.
  • -W Disable hardware shutdown on SIGPWR. (default)
  • -x Enable and lock software flow control
  • -X Disable software flow control (default)


  • Dev.bluestorm &
    • starts driver for BlueStorm/LP, device names will start at /dev/ser1.
  • Dev.bluestorm -N bl &
    • starts the driver naming the devices /dev/bl1, /dev/bl2 etc
  • NOTE: Be sure to include the space after the -N argument.

RS485 Mode Support

The BlueStorm/LP includes support for Full Duplex, Half Duplex and Multi-Drop Slave modes. Connect Tech provides the “ctty” utility to enable and disable these modes.
The settings that are enabled/disabled by the ctty utility are volatile, meaning that if the system needs to be rebooted, the settings will be lost. Because of this, it is recommended that you place the ctty command in the sysinit startup file. This way if you do need to reboot your computer, your settings will be re-enabled at boot time. If you choose to do this, you will also have to start the driver in the sysinit file as well.
NOTE: the ctty command won’t work unless the driver is running.
The default mode is Full Duplex, so you will only need to invoke the ctty command if you need to run in Half Duplex or Multi-Drop Slave modes.

Here are some command line examples. We assume here that the driver is already running:

# ctty +rts < /dev/ser3
This will enable Multi-Drop Slave mode on port ser3 *Note* Jumpers on Bluestorm must also be properly set.

# ctty +rts < /dev/ser3
This will enable Half Duplex mode on port ser3 *Note* Jumpers on Bluestorm must also be properly set.

# ctty -rts < /dev/ser3
This will enable Full Duplex mode on port ser3 *Note* Jumpers on Bluestorm must also be properly set.

NOTE: When running in Half-Duplex or Multi-Drop Slave mode, the driver must be started with Hardware Flow Control OFF.
# Dev.bluestorm -F &
Hardware Flow Control is set to ON by default, so this argument is necessary.

Editing the sysinit File

Before you begin editing the sysinit file, you will have to determine exactly which sysinit file to edit. To do so, you will have to find the current node number of your system. This can be easily done issuing the following command:

# sin info

This will give you the current node number of your system, as well as other information. Once you know the node number of your system, you can determine which sysinit file you need to edit. The node number will actually be the extension of the sysinit file to be edited.
For example, if you found that the current node number of your system is 6, you will have to edit the file sysinit.6. All sysinit files will be located in the /etc/config directory. If you are going to edit the sysinit file to load the driver at boot time, make sure that you add this entry at the end of the sysinit file. It is also recommended that you add a sleep command of 1 as well.

For example, to start the default BlueStorm/LP driver, add these lines to the sysinit file:

Dev.bluestorm &
Sleep 1

You can also add the ctty commands in the sysinit file, but make sure to place them after the line where you start the serial driver

Testing the Newly Installed Ports

You can perform a simple loopback test with a terminal program (i.e. qtalk) and a loopback connector to ensure that the newly installed ports are functioning.

Connect the loopback connector to the port you want to test and run qtalk. When you type a character, you should see it on the screen, which means that the port is working. If you remove the loopback connector, the characters that you type should not appear on the screen.

Assuming that you want to test ser1 with qtalk, run:
qtalk -m /dev/ser1

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