Blue Heat/PCI Software Installation Guide for QNX6


This software installation guide is designed to help users successfully install the Blue Heat serial adapter under the QNX6 platform. Before beginning the software installation, please be sure to read the product manual for hardware installation/configuration instructions. To make the instructions easy to follow, all commands that have to be issued on the command line are written in bold text.

NOTE: You must be logged in as root to perform this installation

Installing the Driver

  • Go to the root directory by issuing the command:
    # cd /
    NOTE: Be sure to be in the / (root) directory
  • If you downloaded the *.tar file from the website, you will need to decompress it.
    The file contains devc-ctiw, devc-ctiser, utilities, and readme.txt files.
    tar -xzvf BHTN-QNX6_XXXX.tar.gz
    Where XXXX is the version number
  • If you are using the driver diskette, you need to mount the floppy driver in DOS format, and then untar the file:
    # mkdir /floppy
    # mount -t dos /dev/fd0 /floppy
    # tar -xzvf BHTN-QNX6_XXXX.tar.gz
    Where XXXX is the driver version
  • Once you untar the file:
    devc-ctiw, devc-ctiser, and NEUTCTL will be extracted to /sbin
    readme.txt will be extracted to /usr/cti/bh
    ctty will be extracted to /usr/bin

Command Line Arguments

The Blue Heat driver: devc-ctiser, can be controlled with the following command line arguments:

# devc-ctiw &
Wrapper will start devc-ctiser starting with device /dev/ser1

# devc-ctiw -u3 &
Start devc-blueheatw starting with device /dev/ser3
This is often the best setting as a lot of systems have two built in serial ports and it is best to reserve room for them.

For more command line options, similar to the standard QNX6 devc-ser2850 driver, issue the following commands:
# use devc-ctiser
# use devc.ctiw

Other command line options:

-b number
Define initial baud rate (default 57600)

-C number
Size of canonical input buffer (default 256)

Set options to “edit” mode

Set options to “raw” mode (default)

-I number
Size of raw input buffer (default 2048)

Enable hardware flow control (default)

Disable hardware flow control

-O number
Size of output buffer (default 2048)

Enable software flow control

Disable software flow control (default)

-t number
Enable fifo

-u unit
Set serial unit number (default 1)

RS485 Mode Support

The Blue Heat includes support for Full Duplex, Half Duplex and Multi-Drop Slave modes.

Connect Tech provides the “ctty” utility to enable and disable these modes. The settings that are enabled/disabled by the ctty utility are volatile, meaning that if the system needs to be rebooted, the settings will be lost. Because of this, it is recommended that you place the ctty command in the sysinit startup file. This way if you do need to reboot your computer, your settings will be re-enabled at boot time. If you choose to do this, you will also have to start the driver in the sysinit file as well.

NOTE: the ctty command won’t work unless the driver is running.

The default mode is Full Duplex, so you will only need to invoke the ctty command if you need to run in Half Duplex or Multi-Drop Slave modes.

Here are some command line examples. We assume here that the driver is already running:

# ctty +rts -rxd < /dev/ser3
This will enable Multi-Drop Slave mode on port ser3

# ctty +rts +rxd < /dev/ser3
This will enable Half Duplex mode on port ser3

# ctty -rts -rxd < /dev/ser3
This will enable Full Duplex mode on port ser3. In the case of BlueHeat/Opto boards, this option may be needed to turn of the transmitters if they are disabled on startup(see J1 jumper documentation in manual)


Currently Neutrino’s stty command (see “use stty”) is not capable of displaying the state of a serial ports modem signals. To display these, as well as change the state of any of the modem outputs, Connect Tech provides the NEUTCTL utility.

# neutctl < /dev/ser3
This will display the current state of modem signals available for the com port labelled ser3

# neutctl -RTS < /dev/ser3
This will lower the RTS signal on the com port labelled ser3 (provided it is raised.)

Testing the Newly Installed Ports

You can perform a simple loopback test with a terminal program (i.e. qtalk) and a loopback connector to ensure that the newly installed ports are functioning.

Connect the loopback connector to the port you want to test and run qtalk. When you type a character, you should see it on the screen, which means that the port is working. If you remove the loopback connector, the characters that you type should not appear on the screen.

Assuming that you want to test ser1 with qtalk, run:
qtalk -m /dev/ser1

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