Drone World Expo 2017 – Booth 312
October 3, 2017 - October 4, 2017
Thought leaders, industry experts and end-users will gather at Drone World Expo in the heart of Silicon Valley to present real-world solutions to your business and environmental challenges. UAS/UAVs provide the capability for you to capture data in a way that will have a tremendous impact on your business. Applications including imaging, photography, video and film, precision agriculture, construction, security and public safety, mapping and surveying, inspections, research and conservation, communications, parcel delivery, humanitarian efforts and more will be explained and demonstrated at this one-of-a-kind gathering. Learn about commercial strategies, platforms and payloads, data collection, safety, security, privacy, the current regulatory environment, international lessons learned, and the impact drones are having on Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT).