kdb303: Shell Scripts not working with Ubuntu Linux

Title: Shell Scripts not working with Ubuntu Linux
Date: May 15, 2007
KDB: KDB-303
Revision: 0.00
Author: GRV
Distribution: External

About This KDB:

This KDB describes known issues with Ubuntu Linux and the Bash Shell. Our BlueHeat/Net Linux driver will probably be affected by this, and also some of our older ISA serial adaptor cards.

Issue 1:

Most distributions of Linux simlink /bin/sh to /bin/bash; this is different in Ubuntu. Ubuntu has simlinked /bin/sh to /bin/dash by default. Dash is a variant of Bash which came from Debian. The problem is that it tends to break scripts that were designed for the bash shell, including our installation script for the BlueHeat/Net.

Solution 1-1:

Check what /bin/sh is linked to:

#ls -l /bin/sh

If it is linked to dash, remove the link, and relink it to bash.

# rm -f /bin/sh

# ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh

End of KDB-303

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