kdb269: Intellicon Serial Adapter chmon & chmon32 Documentation

Title: Intellicon Serial Adapter chmon & chmon32 Documentation
Keywords: chmon, chmon32, Intellicon, Serial, Adapter
Date: April 19, 2000
KDB: KDB-269
Revision: 0.01
Author: Support
Distribution: External


CHMON (stands for CHannel MONitor) is a utility that monitors all Intellicon serial ports. It obtains information from the driver every second and only updates ports that have changed state since the last scan. At first glance, the information provided can be very cryptic and confusing, but after using the utility it can help considerably in tracking down the cause of problems. CHMON was written using “term” functions, which enables it to be run remotely.


– there are no arguments

Changing Screens:

To change the currently displayed information use the left and right cursor keys. To change between ports 1 to 16 and 17 to 32, hit the Page Up or Page Down keys. To obtain help on the abbreviated headings on a given screen hit “H”. To exit chmon, hit “X” then “Y” to confirm.


Currently, chmon monitors the following information:

  • Device Entry
  • Input Buffers
  • Output Buffers
  • z80ce
  • Hardware
  • Statistics
  • Resync

Device Entry:

The Device Entry screen displays many of the key members of QSSL’s dev_entry structure. For a detailed description of the information shown, consult QNX 4.XX documentation.

Input Buffers:

The Input Buffer screen displays many of the key members of QSSL’s input_buffer structure. These buffers are where QNX applications get their data from, and where Connect Tech’s device driver moves it’s data to. For detailed descriptions of the fields, consult QNX 4.XX documentation. Here is the definitions of some of the key fields:

  • CH – channel number on the Intellicon
  • LEN – length of input buffer in Hex
  • HEAD – selector and offset to the head of the input buffer
  • TAIL – offset to the tail of the input buffer
  • SIZE – number of characters currently in the input buffer
  • TTY – tty number of the device

Output Buffers:

The Output Buffer screen displays many of the key members of QSSL’s output_buffer structure. These buffers are where QNX applications put their data to, and where Connect Tech’s device driver gets it’s data from. For detailed descriptions of the fields, consult QNX 4.XX documentation. Here is the definitions of some of the key fields:

  • CH – channel number on the Intellicon
  • LEN – length of output buffer in Hex
  • HEAD – selector and offset to the head of the output buffer
  • TAIL – offset to the tail of the output buffer
  • SIZE – number of characters currently in the output buffer
  • TTY – tty number of the device


The z80ce (Intellicon Firmware Channel Entry) screen displays the key parameters of the Intellicons on board processor. The fields that have meaning to the user are defined as follows:

  • ZZD3:
    • BIT 0 – Set when port is in USRMDE1 (custom protocols)
    • BIT 4 – Set when input on the port is software flow controlled
    • BIT 5 – Set when input on the port is hardware flow controlled
    • BIT 6- Set when output on the port is software flow controlled
    • BIT 7- Set when output on the port is hardware flow controlled
  • STAT:
    • BIT 3 – Set when input queue on port is empty
    • BIT 4 – Set when output queue on port is empty
    • BIT 5 – Set when input to Dev.cti has been signalled
  • 2:
    • BIT 1 – Set when output is being sent to transparent printer
    • BIT 2 – Set when data was lost due to IRQ handler on Intellicon overunning
    • BIT 4 – Set when RTS is to frame transmitted data


The hardware screen lists information about the Intellicon’s hardware setup and configuration. It shows baud rates, bits, etc. along with the settings of all Intellicon boards installed.


Currently, this screen is not useful to successfully investigate a wide berth of problems.


Currently, this screen is not useful to successfully investigate a wide berth of problems.

End of KDB-269

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