kdb363: Using Lumenera Cameras with NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2/TX1 and Connect Tech Carriers


As of CTI-L4T-V116 (TX2/TX2i) for Linux for Tegra 28.2, the Lumenera Camera Drivers have been integrated into Connect Tech BSP release. This guide will show you how to install the accompanying Lumenera SDK as well as how to compile and run the examples provided. Please check KDB352 for the latest list of cameras that have been verified by Connect Tech. Other Lumenera cameras should work as well but have not been verified.

Installing SDK

Create a Lumenera Account by following this link: https://www.lumenera.com/customer/account/create/

Sign in and Download the SDK from here: https://www.lumenera.com/downloads/dl/file/id/31/product/108/lumenera_camera_sdk_linux_v2_3_for_64bit_arm_systems.gz

On the Jetson, create a new folder named lumenera:

mkdir lumenera

Copy the downloaded .gz file into this directroy and change to it:

cp Downloads/lumenera_camera_sdk_linux_v2_3_for_64bit_arm_systems.gz lumenera
cd ./lumenera

Extract the SDK (Note: it is a tar.gz file, not a gziped only file):

tar -xzf lumenera_camera_sdk_linux_v2_3_for_64bit_arm_systems.gz

Install the prebuilt aarach64 library to the system:

sudo cp lib/aarch64/liblucamapi.so.2.3 /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/liblucamapi.so.2.3 /usr/lib/liblucamapi.so
sudo ldconfig

Install the SDK headers:

sudo cp -r include/* /usr/include/

Building the Examples

Change to the examples directory in the lumenera folder:

cd lumenera/examples

Export the LUMENERA_SDK variable. Note that this will need to be exported each time you open a terminal or be added to the ~/.bashrc file to have it automatically set upon login:

export LUMENERA_SDK=/usr

Run make to build all of the examples:


Testing the SDK

The easiest way to test the SDK is to connect your Lumenera Camera to the system and run the “takeAPicture” example compiled in the previous step:

cd lumenera/examples/takeAPicture

This should give you the following output:

Image successfully saved to 'captured_image.bmp'

The snapshot will be saved as “lumenera/examples/takeAPicture/captured_image.bmp”. This can be viewed with any image viewer.

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