Press Release
Connect Tech Inc. is pleased to announce a key technical partnership with Concurrent Real-Time. The partnership allows application developers who require hard real-time performance to use Concurrent Real-Time’s RedHawk™ Linux® operating system on Connect Tech hardware platforms, pre-certified and optimized for real-time environments.
RedHawk is the industry’s leading real-time Linux operating system for both x86 and ARM64 systems. RedHawk with the NightStar™ development environment includes a fully-integrated tool set for debugging, analyzing, and tuning latency-sensitive embedded applications. NightStar tools make it easy to uncover performance bottlenecks and optimize applications for guaranteed real-time response. With SIMulation Workbench™, customers can easily run C/C++ and Simulink® models in real-time on the NVIDIA Jetson platforms.
As NVIDIA’s largest global embedded hardware partner, Connect Tech offers a wide array of NVIDIA Jetson solutions, as well as embedded solutions for a variety of industry standards including COM Express, SMARC, and more. With over 35 years of embedded computing experience, Connect Tech’s in-house design and manufacturing services provides fast turn-around of custom design services, taking you from development to deployment in record time.
Both companies are established members of the NVIDIA Jetson™ Ecosystem. Their partnership provides a bridge for customers needing the performance of a Jetson™ platform in applications requiring real-time information processing. RedHawk fills a unique challenge within the Jetson community for pre-emptive response applications. Jetson projects using Connect Tech hardware and RedHawk Linux have an unprecedented fast time to market.
“This partnership enables us to help developers deploy mission-critical solutions quickly,” said Michele Kasza, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Connect Tech. “With our specialized, flexible hardware platforms optimized for the RedHawk Linux operating system, our customers can be confident of successful deployments while minimizing development costs.”
Connect Tech and Concurrent Real-Time have developed optimized board-support packages and customized drivers that leverage the performance advantages of RedHawk Linux. Connect Tech’s range of available hardware platforms include off-the-shelf boards, customized embedded devices and ready-to-deploy system solutions.
“RedHawk Linux is the ideal operating system for companies developing complex, compute intensive applications requiring real-time response,” said Ken Jackson, Concurrent Real-Time President and CEO, “Optimized hardware solutions targeted for the RedHawk RTOS allows us to provide a best-of-class technology platform to help get mission critical real-time applications to market in record time.”
About Concurrent Real-Time
Concurrent Real-Time is the industry’s foremost provider of high-performance real-time computer systems, solutions and software for commercial and government markets. Its real-time Linux solutions deliver hard real-time performance in support of the world’s most sophisticated hardware in-the-loop and man-in-the-loop simulation, high-speed data acquisition, process control and low-latency transaction processing applications. With over 50 years of experience in real-time solutions, Concurrent Real-Time provides sales and support from offices throughout North America, Europe and Asia. Visit www.concurrent-rt.com for further information.
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