JetPack 6 Post Header - What to Expect when upgrading

The NVIDIA® JetPack™ 6.0 has been touted as the biggest SDK upgrade ever. The addition of Jetson Platform Services and support for NVIDIA Isaac™ ROS 3.0 makes this a highly anticipated release.

With an upgraded Kernel, updated Ubuntu root file system, and brand-new features, the latest upgrade for the NVIDIA SDK ups its flexibility.

All NVIDIA Jetson Orin™ modules and Connect Tech solutions are supported with JetPack 6.0.

To take advantage of the latest features introduced in JetPack 6.0, you will need to use the latest BSP for your Connect Tech solution.

Access the most up-to-date Board Support Package for your module below:

How to Install a L4T Board Support Package

The Connect Tech L4T Board Support Package adds support for all standard devices and carriers using Linux4Tegra. The provided software package includes any extra files required to use the hardware’s features and I/O set with the selected NVIDIA SDK.

Click here for Step-by-Step instructions to navigate the NVIDIA SDK Manager and upgrade the hardware’s BSP.

Software for Non-Standard Hardware

Any Connect Tech hardware that has been modified or custom designed will need a software package developed specifically for their application. CTI offers engineering services to quickly develop a BSP specifically for your project. Contact our sales team to learn more.

Accelerate Generative AI with Jetson Platform Services


Image from NVIDIA

NVIDIA’s Jetson Platform Services is a collection of pre-built and cloud-native software services to accelerate AI applications on the Jetson system on module (SOM). Fully functional Reference Workflows within Jetson Platform Services include AI-NVR, Zero-Shot Detection, and Vision Language Models (VLM).

JetPack 6.0 introduces numerous features that enhance generative AI capabilities, making it easier to develop powerful Edge AI applications that meet the demands of advanced generative AI. For generative AI capabilities, here are some of the key features:

  • Accelerate innovation and deployment with the inclusion of over 15 services.
  • Improve responsiveness and adaptability with streaming generative AI services that enable applications to interpret and respond to dynamic data.
  • Accurate monitoring and insights with DeepStream-based AI perception service for object detection and tracking to enhance real-time video analytics.
  • Efficient handling of live media and video communications through RTSP and WebRTC support.
  • Reliable operation and seamless communication between components through core services like IoT Gateway, API Gateway, monitoring and system bus.
  • Remote management and data protection with secure edge-to-cloud connectivity and remote API invocation.

Isaac ROS 3.0 Release Enhances Robotics Capabilities


Image from NVIDIA

Another major highlight in the JetPack 6 release is the inclusion of Isaac ROS 3.0 for ROS 2 Humble. Tested on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin™, ROS 3.0 is part of NVIDIA’s commitment to providing features and hardware acceleration for commercial deployment, development, and research for autonomous robots. To access Isaac ROS 3.0, you must upgrade to JetPack 6.


Learn more about installing ROS 2 Humble on CTI hardware.


Robotics in applications such as picking and placing, manufacturing, autonomous driving, and drone navigation all benefit from the multitude of updates included in Isaac ROS 3.0. Here are some of the highlights incorporated into this release:

  • New reference workflows for perception-driven manipulation and visual odometry.
  • cuMotion package for MoveIt 2 accelerates motion planning with collision avoidance.
  • FoundationPose DNN for Pose Estimation allows for tracking of unseen objects.
  • Multi-camera visual odometry and multi-camera nvBlox provide robust visual tracking and detailed 3D scene reconstruction.
  • Advanced image segmentation with NITROS Segformer and Segment Anything (SAM) DNN decoders improve identification tasks.
  • Precise AI and perception development with time-synchronized real sensor data at 500+ mega samples per second using the new Data Replayer.
  • New Data Recorder enables the capture of multi-sensor data into ROSBag using MCAP.

Take advantage of Connect Tech’s industry-leading Technical Support by chatting with our Jetson experts. The support team is available to help troubleshoot upgrading your solution to JetPack 6.

Additional JetPack 6 Highlights 

JetPack 6 features a more robust Ubunto root file system and upgraded Kernel, increasing user flexibility. Preview the upgradable compute stack to upgrade CUDA, Tensor RT, cuDNN, DLA, and VPI without upgrading Jetson Linux. Over-The-Air (OTA) tool support to upgrade NVIDIA Jetson Orin-based devices from JetPack 5.

Connect with our Technical Support team for assistance in opening up Jetson Linux Distros – Including Ubuntu 22.04, Red Hat, Windriver, SUSE, RedHawk, and Yocto-based distros.

View the full JetPack 6.0 Release Notes from NVIDIA

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