Echo/Dflex/ISA, DFlex/104 and Xtreme/104 Installation Guide for Windows CE 6.0


The software installation instructions below have been designed to assist users with the installation of the Connect Tech Echo/Dflex and Xtreme multi-port serial adapter families under Microsoft Windows CE 6.0. Please carefully read the User’s Manual that came with the serial adapter for hardware installation/configuration instructions.


    • Microsoft Windows CE 6.0.
    • One of the following Connect Tech Products**:
      – DFlex-2
      – DFlex-4
      – DFlex-8 / Echo-8
      – DFlex-2/FAST
      – DFlex-4/FAST
      – DFlex-4/104
      – Xtreme-4/104
      – Xtreme-8/104
      – Xtreme-2/104/Opto
      – Xtreme-4/104/Opto
      – Any custom Echo/Dflex/Xtreme

**The CE 6.0 Xtreme/Dflex driver currently supports one board with up to 8 ports. to run multiple boards multiple instances of the driver are required.

  • A copy of the newest Connect Tech Windows CE 6.0 driver files.
  • Knowledge of how to use Platform Builder (this document does not describe how to access various files needed in Platform Builder, please consult the PB documentation for further instruction)

Setting Up The Platform

In Platform Builder (PB) open the platform you wish to add the Connect Tech (CTI) product to. Place the CTI Window CE 6.0 driver files in a directory somewhere on your system. Perform the following steps to configure your platform with the CTI product being installed:

  • In PB, open Project.bib and add the following lines to the bottom:Ctiser.dll X:\Dir\To\Driver\Files\CTISer.dll NK SHK
    CTIceTTY.exe X:\Dir\To\Driver\Files\CTIceTTY.exe NK S

    Where, X:\Dir\To\Driver\Files\ is the full path to where you have the CTI Windows CE 6.0 driver files located. CTIceTTY is an optional program used for COM port testing. If you do not wish to install it, please omit adding the line or comment it out by adding a ; to the beginning of the line. To add support for multiple boards another instance of the driver will need to be added and referenced, for example Ctiser2.dll X:\Dir\To\Driver\Files\CTISer2.dll NK SHK
  • Open Project.reg and add the following block of text to the end (you have to add one block for every CTI port you are installing):
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\SerialX] “Irq”=dword:XX
“FriendlyName”=”CTI PORT 1”
“DevConfig”=hex: 10,00, 00,00, 05,00,00,00, 10,01,00,00, 00,4B,00,00,
00,00, 08, 00, 00, 00,00,00,00

NOTE: All values for “DevConfig” should be on the same line.

Descriptions of the bold items are as follows:

For each CTI port you add, you must have a different value for X. The values you use are dependent on what other serial devices you have installed in the Windows CE system. The first CTI port has X equal to one more than the last, already installed port, and the remaining CTI ports are numbered in increasing order from the first one.

For example;
If you had 1 standard serial port on the Windows CE system and you wanted to add an Xtreme-4/104, then the first Xtreme port would have X=2, the second X=3, the third X=4, and the fourth X=5.

If you had 2 standard serial ports on the Windows CE system and you wanted to add an Xtreme-4/104, then the first Xtreme port would have X=3, the second X=4, the third X=5, and the fourth X=6.

For each CTI port you add, you must enter its IRQ value in place of XX. This value is the hex based value of the IRQ set on the CTI board. If you have multiple IRQ’s for a card then simply put the correct value for XX with the corresponding entry.
For example, if you are using IRQ 10, the value for XX would be 0A.

For each CTI port you add, you must enter its I/O address in place of XX. This value is the hex based value that is generated from setting the CTI boards port addresses.

For each CTI port you add, you must have a different value for X. The value of X for the first CTI port is 0 and all remaining CTI ports have X increasing by ones.

For example;
A DFlex-4’s first port would have X=0, the second X=1, third X=2, and the fourth X=3.

“FriendlyName”=”CTI PORT 1”
The string “CTI PORT 1” can be changed to anything you want for each individual port.

“DevConfig”=hex: 10,00, 00,00, 05,00,00,00, 10,01,00,00, 00,4B,00,00, 00,00, 08, 00, 00, 00,00,00,00
The only note about this key is that it is all on one single line.

X is the value of the CTI boards oscillator (in Hz) in hex. If you have a custom baud rate board then you should enter the corresponding value for your board.

If you have any of the following serial adapters, you will have to replace the value X with the value 708000:
· DFlex/FAST
· Xtreme/104 with the high speed jumper installed
· Xtreme/104/Opto with the high speed jumper installed

If you have any of the following serial adapters, you will have to replace the value X with the value 0:
· Echo/Dflex
· Xtreme/104 with the high speed jumper removed
· Xtreme/104/Opto with the high speed jumper removed

Testing The Newly Installed Ports

You can perform a simple loopback test with a terminal program (i.e. CTIceTTY) and a loopback connector to ensure that the newly installed ports are functioning.

Connect the loopback connector to the port you want to test and run CTIceTTY. When you type a character, you should see it on the screen, which means that the port is working. If you remove the loopback connector, the characters that you type should not appear on the screen

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