kdb017: Dev.cti Under QNX4

Title: Dev.cti Under QNX4
Keywords: QNX4, Dev.cti, Dev32.cti, Intellicon
Date: May 29, 1997
KDB: KDB-017
Revision: 0.00
Author: Engineering
Distribution: External

Option switches for Dev.cti and Dev under QNX4:

Version: 420x
Mon Feb 10 12:05:07 est 1997
Dev.cti [I/O Port,IRQ] [options]*   &
 -a number      Base address (in hex) of Shared Memory (default: d0000).
 -b number      Define initial baud rate (default: 9600).
 -C number      Size of canonical input buffer (default: 256).
 -d             Set DTR on initially. (default)
 -D             Set DTR off initially.
 -e             Set options to "edit" mode. (default)
 -E             Set options to "raw" mode.
 -f             Enable hardware flow control.
 -F             Disable hardware flow control (default).
 -h number      Define high-water mark for input flow control
                (default: 3/4 point of input buffer).
 -I number      Size of raw input buffer (default: 2048).
 -l number      Define low-water mark for input flow control
                (default: 1/4 point of input buffer).
 -m             Disable modem carrier processing (HUP).
 -M             Enable modem processing (HUP).
 -N name        Prefix to register for all Intellicon devices(default: "cti").
 -n name        Prefix to register following board with.
 -O number      Size of output buffer (default: 2048).
 -p number      Set port number for subsequent options.
 -q             Run board in polled mode (no hardware IRQ)
 -r             Set RTS on initially. (default)
 -R             Set RTS off initially.
 -t number      Number of k of Intellicon memory to test (default: 64)
 Dev.cti 300,10 &
                - Start Dev.cti at I/O=300, IRQ=10 and sharded memory at
                  d0000. These are recommended settings.
 Dev.cti -a e0000 &
                - Start Dev.cti, Shared memory at e0000, all parameters
                  are defaulted.
 Dev.cti 300,10 -N ser &
                - Start Dev.cti, use IRQ line 10, register as name "ser".
 Dev.cti 300,10 304,11 &
                - Start Dev.cti with 2 boards installed, both boards will
                  share the "Shared memory" at d0000.
 Dev.cti -n ctia 300,10  -n ctib 304,11 &
                - Start Dev.cti with 2 boards installed
                  The first board is installed at Base I/O 300, IRQ 10
                  and the  second is installed at Base I/O 304, IRQ 11.
                  The ports associated with board #1 will be named ctia1-ctia?
                  and ports associated with board#2 will be named ctib1-ctib?.
 Dev.cti -p 1 -b 9600 -E -p 4 -b 1200 -e &
                - Start Dev.cti, using default Shared Memory at d0000,
                  IRQ line 3, Base I/O at 300. On ports 1 through 3
                  set baud rate to 9600 and set the line to "raw" mode.
                  On ports through 8, set baud rate to 1200 and set
                  the line to "edited" mode.

NOTE: QNX Dev only supports 12 devices by default. When using multiple
      Intellicon boards, increase the number of devices using the
      -n flag on the command line of Dev. For example:

           Dev -n 40 &         # This supports 40 devices total  

End of KDB-017

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