kdb018: Multiple Intellicons Under QNX4.2x

Title: Multiple Intellicons Under QNX4.2x
Keywords: QNX4.2 Multiple Intellicons
Date: November 29, 1996
KDB: KDB-018
Revision: 0.00
Author: Support
Distribution: External

This kdb discusses how to install multiple Intellicons under QNX4.2x.


Dev.cti 300,10 &
Dev.cti 300,10 304,11 -a d0000 &
Dev.cti 300,10 304,11 308,12 320,5 -a e000 &

  • Each board must have a unique port,irq combination.
  • They should share the 64k memory segment (ie: d0000 or e0000).

Up to Eight Intellicons can be installed in QNX4.2x. The maximum number on Intellicons largely depends on the available ISA slots and Interrupts.

The Intellicon can also be ran with NO Interrupts.

Dev.cti 300 -q &
Dev.cti 300 304 -q -a d0000 &
Dev.cti 300 304 308 320 -q -a e000 &

End of KDB-018

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