kdb037: Software Examples for 5 Bit, 1.5 Stop Bits Under DOS

Title: Software Examples for 5 Bit, 1.5 Stop Bits Under DOS
Keywords: DOS Data_bits Stop_bits
KDB: KDB-037
Revision: 0.00
Author: Support
Distribution: External

This file contains 3 files: cti5bit.c, z80c.h and cti5bit.mak.
These are intended to be used as samples and examples
for setting Intellicon cards into 5 bit, 1.5 stop bits under DOS.

*****************File: cti5bit.c*********************** 

/*	Title	: CTI5BIT.C 
*	Author	: Allan Smith 
*	Project	: Intellicon 
*	Date	: June 10, 1994  
*	Revised	:  
*	This program will set port 0 to 5 bits 1.5 stop bits 
**	Copyright (c) 1994 CTI, Connect Tech Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
**	The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended 
**	publication of such source code. 
**	This module contains Proprietary Information of Connect Tech, Inc 
**	and should be treated as Confidential. 


#include "z80c.h" 

#define COMM_INT 	0x14	/* Communications interrupt 14h */ 
#define	ID_FN		0x06	/* function that ids our port and # of fns */ 
#define	CTTY_FN		0x12	/* funciton that changes and reports options */ 
#define	QUERY_FN	0x0c	/* function that reads Intellicon params */ 
#define	EINIT_FN	0x04	/* function that inits port */ 

#define	USE_Z80CE	0x8000 

#define Z80_NULL_CODE  	0 
#define Z80_NMI_CMD		0x0d 
#define Z80_NMI_DEV		0x0c 
#define NMI_STTY        2 

struct	z80ce_defs z80ce;		/* ctty structure */ 
unsigned int	ctiseg = 0xd000; 
unsigned int	ctiioport = 0x300; 

void load_ce( struct z80ce_defs *z80ce_ptr, unsigned short port_no ); 
void set_ce( struct z80ce_defs *z80ce_ptr, unsigned short port_no ); 
int		atoh( char *string ); 
void z80_command( unsigned char port, unsigned char cmd ); 
char 	get_digit( char c ); 

void main( int argc, char *argv[] ){ 

	if( argc == 1 ){ 
		printf( "USE: cti5bit  [io_port] [segment]\n" ); 
		printf( " io_port defaults to 0x300 and segment defaults to 0xd000\n" ); 
		exit( 0 ); 

	if( argc >= 3 ) 
		ctiioport = atoh( argv[2] );  
	if( argc >= 4 ) 
		ctiseg = atoh( argv[3] ); 

	load_ce( &z80ce, atoi( argv[1] )); 
	z80ce.data_bits =  5; 
	z80ce.stop_bits = 2;	/* 2 == 1.5, 3 == 2 */ 
	set_ce( &z80ce, atoi( argv[1] )); 
	z80_command( (unsigned char)atoi( argv[1] ), NMI_STTY ); 
	outp( ctiioport+1, 0 ); 


void load_ce( struct z80ce_defs *z80ce_ptr, unsigned short port_no ){ 
	union	_REGS 	regs;	 
	struct	_SREGS	segs; 

	_segread( &segs ); 
	segs.es = segs.ds; 
	regs.x.ax = CTTY_FN<<8; 
	regs.x.bx = USE_Z80CE; 
	regs.x.dx = port_no; 
	regs.x.cx = 0;			/* query */ 
	regs.x.si = (unsigned)z80ce_ptr; 
	_int86x( COMM_INT, ®s, ®s, &segs ); 

void set_ce( struct z80ce_defs *z80ce_ptr, unsigned short port_no ){ 
	union	_REGS regs;	 
	struct	_SREGS	segs; 

	_segread( &segs ); 
	segs.es = segs.ds; 
	regs.x.ax = CTTY_FN<<8; regs.x.bx = USE_Z80CE; regs.x.dx = port_no; regs.x.cx = USE_Z80CE; /* set */ regs.x.si = (unsigned)z80ce_ptr; _int86x( COMM_INT, ®s, ®s, &segs ); } /********************************************************************** ** Function: atoh ** ** Routine to convert an ascii string to hex number ** ** Arguments: ** string hex string to be converted into an integer **********************************************************************/ int atoh( char *string ) { int digit, result; result = 0; while( ( digit = get_digit( *string++ ) ) != -1 ) result = result * 16 + digit; return( result ); } /********************************************************************** ** Function: get_digit ** ** Routine to convert a single ascii digit to hex ** ** Arguments: ** c a single ascii digit to be converted to hex **********************************************************************/ char get_digit( char c ) { if ( ( c >= '0' ) && ( c <= '9' ) ) return( c - '0' ); if ( ( c >= 'a' ) && ( c <= 'f' ) ) return( c - 'a' + 10 ); if ( ( c >= 'A' ) && ( c <= 'F' ) ) 
		return( c - 'A' + 10 ); 
	return( -1 ); 

void z80_command( unsigned char port, unsigned char cmd ){ 
	unsigned char _far	*z80_cmd; 
	unsigned char _far  *z80_dev; 
	long	i; 

	z80_cmd = _MK_FP( ctiseg, Z80_NMI_CMD ); 
	while( 1 ){ 
		if( *z80_cmd == Z80_NULL_CODE )		/* wait till last command is done */ 
			break;   						/* exit loop */ 
		_enable();                          /* make sure ints are on while waiting */ 
		for( i = 0; i < 100000; ++i ) /* time delay */ ; _disable(); } z80_dev = MK_FP( ctiseg, Z80_NMI_DEV ); *z80_dev = port; *z80_cmd = cmd; _enable(); } *****************End File: cti5bit.c*********************** *****************File: z80c.h*********************** /* * Z80 channel entry defs */ #pragma pack(1) struct z80ce_defs { unsigned char device; unsigned short options; unsigned char page; unsigned char type; unsigned char brk; unsigned char escape; unsigned char rubout; unsigned char cancel; unsigned char eot; unsigned char up; unsigned char right; unsigned char down; unsigned char left; unsigned char home; unsigned char clear; unsigned char function; unsigned char insert; unsigned char _delete; unsigned char row; unsigned char col; unsigned short baud; unsigned char parity; unsigned char stop_bits; unsigned char data_bits; unsigned short tty_options; unsigned short in; unsigned short out; unsigned short mdm_port_status; unsigned short out_xon_xoff; unsigned short in_xon_xoff; unsigned char line_status; unsigned short count; unsigned char inb1; unsigned char num_in; unsigned char outb1; unsigned char num_out; unsigned char misc; unsigned char reserved[10]; }; #pragma pack() *****************End File: z80c.h*********************** *****************File: cti5bit.mak*********************** # Microsoft Visual C++ generated build script - Do not modify PROJ = CTI5BIT DEBUG = 0 PROGTYPE = 6 CALLER = ARGS = DLLS = D_RCDEFINES = -d_DEBUG R_RCDEFINES = -dNDEBUG ORIGIN = MSVC ORIGIN_VER = 1.00 PROJPATH = D:\JOBS\CTISETT\ USEMFC = 0 CC = cl CPP = cl CXX = cl CCREATEPCHFLAG = CPPCREATEPCHFLAG = CUSEPCHFLAG = CPPUSEPCHFLAG = FIRSTC = FIRSTCPP = ASSIGN1A.CPP RC = rc CFLAGS_D_DEXE = /nologo /W3 /FR /G2 /Zi /D_DEBUG /Od /AM /D_DOS /Fd"CTI5BIT.PDB" CFLAGS_R_DEXE = /nologo /W3 /FR /G2 /DNDEBUG /Gs /Ox /AM /D_DOS LFLAGS_D_DEXE = /NOLOGO /ONERROR:NOEXE /NOI /CO /STACK:5120 LFLAGS_R_DEXE = /NOLOGO /ONERROR:NOEXE /NOI /STACK:5120 LIBS_D_DEXE = oldnames mlibce LIBS_R_DEXE = oldnames mlibce RCFLAGS = /nologo RESFLAGS = /nologo RUNFLAGS = OBJS_EXT = LIBS_EXT = !if "$(DEBUG)" == "1" CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_D_DEXE) LFLAGS = $(LFLAGS_D_DEXE) LIBS = $(LIBS_D_DEXE) MAPFILE = nul RCDEFINES = $(D_RCDEFINES) !else CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_R_DEXE) LFLAGS = $(LFLAGS_R_DEXE) LIBS = $(LIBS_R_DEXE) MAPFILE = nul RCDEFINES = $(R_RCDEFINES) !endif !if [if exist MSVC.BND del MSVC.BND] !endif SBRS = CTI5BIT.SBR CTI5BIT_DEP = d:\jobs\ctisett\z80c.h all: $(PROJ).EXE $(PROJ).BSC CTI5BIT.OBJ: CTI5BIT.C $(CTI5BIT_DEP) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CUSEPCHFLAG) /c CTI5BIT.C $(PROJ).EXE:: CTI5BIT.OBJ $(OBJS_EXT) $(DEFFILE) echo >NUL @<<$(PROJ).CRF 
	link $(LFLAGS) @$(PROJ).CRF 

run: $(PROJ).EXE 

	bscmake @<< 
/o$@ $(SBRS) 

*****************End File: cti5bit.mak***********************

End of KDB-037

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