kdb064: NT960 ISA Serial I/O Line Editing Under QNX2.xx

Title: NT960 ISA Serial I/O Line Editing Under QNX2.xx
Keywords: NT960 QNX2
Date: October 6, 1994
KDB: KDB-064
Revision: 0.00
Author: KAM
Distribution: External

Under QNX 2.xx the NT960 utilizes an enhanced command line editor for terminals connected to the NT960 ACM ports.

Special features of NT960 firmware fqni0005.hex

The Nt960 firmware has a 20 line, 512 character per line, command line buffer, its special editing features are enabled when the +edit option is used. The command line is not passed to QNX2 until the enter (return) key is hit.

Backspace key
The backspace key works at the end of a line or within the command line. Depressing the key will delete characters to the left of the cursor and will move the preceding characters to the left. The command prompt can not be deleted, a warning bell will sound indicating the beginning of line.

Right and Left Arrows
Depressing these keys allow the user to navigate the cursor from left to right, within the command line. A beep is issued if you attempt left at the beginning of a line or right at the end of a line.

Up and Down Arrow Keys
The up and down keys allow the user to scroll thru the 20 line command line buffer. When the oldest command line is reached or the newest line in the line buffer is reached a beep is sounded.

Insert Key
Depressing the Insert key will place a “<<” character on the terminal screen indicating “insert mode”. The user can now insert characters into the command line. Depressing the key again, will remove the “<<” character and discontinue insert mode.

Home Key
The home key will place the cursor at the beginning of a line.

End Key
The end key will place the cursor at the end of a line.

Page Up
Will get the oldest command line from the line buffer.

Page Down
Will get the most recent line entered in the line buffer. This will be blank line if no characters have been entered since the last return.

Delete Key
When within a command line the delete key will delete characters and move the preceding characters to the left.

End of KDB-064

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