kdb069: Dflex-2 ISA Serial I/O Lynx Installation

Title: Dflex-2 ISA Serial I/O Lynx Installation
Keywords: DFLEX, LYNX
Date: November 12, 1994
KDB: KDB-069
Revision: 0.00
Author: KAM
Distribution: External

This tech note describes how to install a DFlex 2 into a Lynx OS system. This procedure involves no extra drivers and only requires that your Lynx OS system has the following:

1. Two extra IRQ’s available, one for each com port, the ttydriver can’t share interrupts.

2. Two consecutive port addresses available, ie 0x200 and 0x208.

3. That your computer is ISA bus compatible.

To install a DFlex under Lynx OS follow the procedure below.


1. If you require logins on these ports then, start by editing (vi) the file /etc/ttys. Here we add two new entries, one for each com port.

example /dev/com3:1:default:wyse50/bin/login

1 = login on
0 = no login

2. Now edit the file /sys/lynx.os/com.cfg. Here you will find a list of Device driver and Node name entries. com1 and com2 will in use all others com3 to com8 will be commented out. Uncomment the entry for com3 and com4.


D:com1:com1:: /* this is the device name entry.
N:com1:0:: /* this is a reference to an entry in the
.. etc/nodetab file.
#D:com8:com8:: /* other entries commented out.

3. Edit the file /sys/devices/ttyinfo.c, here we define the port addresses and IRQs. See the portion on the file below as an example. This example uses com3, 0x200, Irq5 and com4, 0x208, Irq10.

General macro for defining COM port structures

COM(com1, 0x3F8, 4);
COM(com2, 0x2F8, 3);
COM(com3, 0x200, 5);
COM(com4, 0x208, 10);

COM(com5, 0x2F0, 4);
COM(com6, 0x2E8, 5);
COM(com7, 0x2E0, 9);
COM(com8, 0x260, 3);

Dflex under Lynx continued.

4. Remain in the /sys/devices directory and run make install by typing “make install”.

5. Now change to the directory /sys/lynx.os and run make install by typing “make install”. This will rebuild the kernal as well as update the /etc/notetab file with the new entries for com3 and com4.

6. Now change directory to /dev and run “mknod -a” , this will read the file /etc/nodetab and will build inodes for com3 and com4 in the /dev directory.

7. Now reboot to start the new Kernel.

  • reboot -a for multi user mode.
  • reboot -h for to halt system.
  • reboot for single user.

End of KDB-069

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