Title: NT960 Deluxe Host Serial I/O Changes, NTLOAD Failures
Keywords: NT960 Deluxe Host Jumpers
Date: Oct 23, 1996
KDB: KDB-161
Revision: 0.00
Author: Support
Distribution: External
Recently some changes have been made to the assembly of Deluxe NT960 hosts. Here is a list of changes:
- The battery, the trim capacitor, and some other parts are no longer installed.
- The jumper locations on boards SN:1747 1771 are now occupied.
Here is why these changes have occurred.
- The removed items provided the deluxe hosts with some added features which are not used in the normal operation of the NT960. To lower the cost of a deluxe host, the battery the trim capacitor and the other parts have been removed.
- Also the trace locations for J17 & J18 were needed to be cut on deluxe hosts. This is no longer required, but on some NT960 Deluxe hosts, the traces for J17 & J18 were cut. So jumpers had to be installed to reconnect the traces on boards SN: 1747 1771.
Without the jumpers on the boards SN:1747 1771, the NT960 will not function properly. For example the ntload.exe (DOS) program will not function correctly and will report erroneous results.
Note: None of this applies to standard hosts. All other NT960 Deluxe Hosts do not require these jumpers and will be unoccupied.
End of KDB-161