kdb204: NT960 Buffer/Memory Allocation

Title: NT960 Buffer/Memory Allocation
Keywords: NT960 Buffer/Memory Allocation
Date: December 17, 1997
KDB: KDB-204
Revision: 0.00
Author: Support
Distribution: External

There are 2 buffers for each port and direction (input and output), totalling 1536 bytes each.
Example: For every port there is:

  • 2 RX buffers
    • 1 in DPR is 512 bytes
    • 1 in NT960 memory is 1024 bytes
  • 2 TX buffers
    • 1 in DPR is 512 bytes
    • 1 in NT960 memory is 1024 bytes

Therefore one buffer, one direction is 1536 bytes total. This does not change if its a 16 port system, or a 128 port system.

DPR = Dual Ported Ram.

End of KDB-204

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