kdb293: Cannot install Blue Heat/Net unit when launching Configuration Manager from setup

Title: Cannot install Blue Heat/Net unit when launching Configuration Manager from setup.
Date: June 1, 2004
KDB: KDB-293
Revision: 0.00
Author: CJD
Distribution: External


When running the Blue Heat/Net setup from Internet Explorer and the Configuration Manager is automatically launched from setup, you may receive the following error when attempting to install a Blue Heat/Net unit.

Failed to create device information set.
Access is being denied.


The Configuration Manager process has been launched without the required privileges. This can happen regardless of the account from which you are accessing the application.


The above error occurs because the privileges necessary for the successful installation of the Blue Heat/Net unit have not been granted to the Configuration Manager process. To be specific, the privilege SeLoadDriverPrivilege is missing. The Windows Installer MSI database for the Configuration Manager contains a custom action that launches the Configuration Manager. The Configuration Manager calls SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo() and that call requires that SeLoadDriverPrivilege be granted to the process.

When the MSI is installed “normally” everything works fine and the required privileges are granted properly. However, when the setup is launched from Internet Explorer, SeLoadDriverPrivilege is sometimes not granted. To clarify, if Internet Explorer is launched manually and then the HTML page that launches the install is opened, everything works correctly. If the HTML page is “shelled” (double-click it) or if it’s opened via an autorun CD, the required privilege is gone when the Configuration Manager process is launched. The difference in behaviour is a result of Internet Explorer initially being a child process of two different processes.

If you are running a Windows Installer version earlier than 2.00.2600.1106 then there is a chance that you will be effected by the problem described in Symptoms.

To determine the version of Windows Installer run “msiexec.exe /?” either from the command prompt or by choosing Run from the Start menu.


  • Uncheck the “Launch Configuration Manager after installation.” option during the setup process and then run the Configuration Manager from the Start menu as normal.


  • Run setup from Explorer. This can be done by performing the following steps:
    • Select Run from the Start menu.
    • Type: X:\bh-net\WinXP\Setup.Exe where X is the letter of the CD-ROM drive containing the Blue Heat/Net installation files.
    • Click OK.

End of KDB-293

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