kdb298: Using the Blue Heat/Net to convert line interfaces

Title: Using the Blue Heat/Net to convert line interfaces
Date: October 4, 2005
KDB: KDB-298
Revision: 0.00
Author: ENG
Distribution: External


You can use an RS-485 compatible Blue Heat/Net to convert from RS-232 to RS-485 line interface modes, independent of the baud rates and line settings.

Simply select Raw TCP Server personality for one of the serial ports you are using. Select the appropriate line interface mode. Select a TCP Port for that serial port. Do not use the default port.

Select Raw TCP Client personality for the other serial port you are using. Select the appropriate line interface mode. Configure the personality by typing in for the IP address. Set the TCP Port to the same port you used for the Raw TCP Server.

Reboot the Blue Heat/Net.

The two serial ports should now be able to talk to one another.

Note: for large transfers it is possible that you will lose data if there is too large of a difference in baud rates as the slower port will not be able to keep up and all the buffers will fill up.

End of KDB-298

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