kdb304: Update Blue Heat/Net Firmware Using a Local File

Title: Update Blue Heat/Net Firmware Using a Local File
Date: May 16, 2007
KDB: KDB-304
Revision: 0.00
Author: PSD
Distribution: External


This guide will show you a step by step method on how to update your Blue Heat/Net via a local downloaded file. This is handy if you are traveling with your laptop and don’t have internet access at the site, or if you are having trouble giving your Blue Heat/Net direct access to the internet.


A Blue Heat/Net with a firmware version less than 1.18. If you have a Blue Heat/Net that has a firmware version greater than that you can simply use the Update “Local File VIA HTML” option on the firmware update page in the BlueHeat/Net’s WCM.


  • Download and install an local FTP server. We used a freeware application called Cerberus FTP Server, which can be downloaded here” http://www.cerberusftp.com/ (any ftp server program will do the trick but for instructions we used this one)
  • Download our latest firmware package from Connect Tech here: ftp://ftp.connecttech.com/pub/BHN/beta/BHN-current.tar
  • You will have now a file named: “BHN-current.tar”, save this file in the new directory (created by Cerberus): c:\ftproot\
  • Start Cerberus
  • Open a web browser and log into the BHN’s WCM
  • Change your Server IP, and DNS settings to match the settings of the computer running Cerberus
  • Save the settings, confirm, submit
  • Now in WCM go to: Firmware → Download Source → “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx via anonymous FTP” (where the x’s represent the cerberus server IP address) → FTP path

The BHN is very picky on the path name, if you type it in wrong, it will say “unable to download firmware” and make you very frustrated

if you have the firmware file in the following local location:

Then the path needed to be input is as follows:
ftproot/BHN-current.tar (note the forward slash)

  • Click download
  • If you have the Cerberus icon in your taskbar, you should see a pop-up saying something like “received request from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”
  • The BHN should start downloading the firmware at this point.
  • This may take up to several minutes to finish


  • If it doesn’t download correctly try to disable Windows Firewall: Control Panel → Windows Firewall → OFF
  • If you see the BHN is connecting to Cerberus, but unable to download: double check the directory locations, and check the log in Cerberus
  • If you are still have problem at this point feel free to call our Tech Support department @ 1-800-426-8979 or [email protected]

End of KDB-304

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