kdb312: TCP & UDP Ports Used by the BlueHeat/Net (Setting Up Firewall Access)

Title: TCP Ports Used by the BlueHeat/Net (Needed for Setting Up Firewall Access)
Keywords: BlueHeat/Net, Firewall, Fire Wall, TCP, UDP, TCP Ports, UDP Ports, Firewall, BHN
Date: February 28th, 2008
KDB: KDB-312
Revision: 0.00
Author: PSD
Distribution: External


In some applications you may have a restricted network that uses some type of firewall. With a tightly secured firewall enabled you will not be able to access your BlueHeat/Net. To allow access to the BlueHeat/Net through your firewall you will need to permit some specific TCP UDP ports that BlueHeat/Net unit uses through. A list of all of the TCP UDP ports that BlueHeat/Net will use is listed below.

Master List of TCP and UDP Ports Used by the BlueHeat/Net


  • This list is based off the default settings for the BlueHeat/Net net. You will notice the the BlueHeat/Net specific TCP ports start from a base range of 49152. You can also change this base value to by one the BlueHeat/Net configuration mangers using (WCM, TCM or SCM) and then all of the BlueHeat/Net specific TCP will then be referenced starting from the value you specify.
  • This list does not include any port that you may setup using the BHN Raw Socket personalities. If you are using Raw Socket you should also make sure to include those ports list of allowed ports during your firewall setup.
  • The list below shows the maximum number of ports need (from a 16-port BHN unit), your device may only have 2,4, or 8 ports, so you will only need to allow for that range of ports only.
Port Description
20 TCP FTP – data port
21 TCP FTP – control (command) port
23 TCP UDP Telnet protocol – unencrypted text communications
53 TCP UDP DNS (Domain Name System)
67 UDP BOOTP (BootStrap Protocol) server; also used by DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
68 UDP BOOTP client; also used by DHCP
69 UDP TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)
80 TCP HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) – used for accessing web pages
49152 TCP UDP BlueHeat/Net Base Command Port
49154 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 1 – Command Port
49155 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 1 – Data Port
49156 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 2 – Command Port
49157 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 2 – Data Port
49158 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 3 – Command Port
49159 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 3 – Data Port
49160 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 4 – Command Port
49161 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 4 – Data Port
49162 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 5 – Command Port
49163 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 5 – Data Port
49164 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 6 – Command Port
49165 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 6 – Data Port
49166 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 7 – Command Port
49167 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 7 – Data Port
49168 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 8 – Command Port
49169 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 8 – Data Port
49170 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 9 – Command Port
49171 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 9 – Data Port
49172 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 10 – Command Port
49173 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 10 – Data Port
49174 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 11 – Command Port
49175 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 11 – Data Port
49176 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 12 – Command Port
49177 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 12 – Data Port
49178 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 13 – Command Port
49179 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 13 – Data Port
49180 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 14 – Command Port
49181 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 14 – Data Port
49182 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 15 – Command Port
49183 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 15 – Data Port
49184 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 16 – Command Port
49185 TCP BlueHeat/Net Port 16 – Data Port

End of KDB-312

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