PCN #: CTIU-00004 – Astro Carrier

Product Identification

Product Data

Previous Version New Version
Product Name Astro Carrier for NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2 & Jetson™ TX1 Astro Carrier for NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2 & Jetson™ TX1
CTI Part Numbers ASG001 ASG001
Hardware Revision F and older G

Means of Distinguishing Changed Products

Product Number
Hardware Revision See board number and revision on PCB silkscreen.

CTIU-00004 - Astro Rev No.

Lot Code
Other Revision F and older will have the U.FL connectors installed. On revision G the connectors will not be installed.

CTIU-00004 - Astro Connectors

Description and Reason of Change

AVL Product Improvement
Material BIOS Release
Assembly Process Firmware Release
Assembly BOM Datasheet / Manual
Testing DFM
Manufacturing Site Other

Previously the Astro Carrier for NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2 & Jetson™ TX1 installed the U.FL video input connectors. This interface has never been a supported feature by Connect Tech Inc.

Moving forward the Astro Carrier for NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2 & Jetson™ TX1 will no longer have these components installed on the PCB.

Impact of change (positive or negative) on fit, form, function & reliability

Quality and Reliability

The changes listed in Section 2 will have no effect on the overall quality and reliability of the Connect Tech carrier board.

Software Compatibility


Hardware Compatibility

The video input interface has never been supported by Connect Tech Inc. Therefore there are no changes in the supported hardware compatibility of the Astro Carrier for NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2 & Jetson™ TX1.

Mechanical Compatibility

Mechanical compatibility remains the same as previous revisions. The component placement, PCB dimensions and mounting hole locations of the Astro Carrier for NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2 & Jetson™ TX1 do not change.

Product / Revision Discontinuation

After the release of this PCN there will be a transition time of 6 months whereby a delivery may consist of products based on previous revisions as well as new revisions. After the completion of the transition time, only products based on the new revision will be delivered. This does not include products that fall under the RMA process.

Contact Information

Phone +1-519-836-1291
Email sales@connecttech.com

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