PCN #: CTIU-00010 – Cogswell Carrier and Vision System

Product Identification

Product Data

Previous Version New Version
Product Name Cogswell Carrier and Vision System for NVIDIA® Jetson TX2 & Jetson TX1
Cogswell Vision System
Cogswell Carrier and Vision System for NVIDIA® Jetson TX2 & Jetson TX1
Cogswell Vision System
CTI Part Numbers ASG007, CVS001 ASG007, CVS001
Hardware Revision D and older E

Means of Distinguishing Changed Products

Product Number Product number on PCB silkscreen
Hardware Revision See board number and revision on PCB silkscreen.
Lot Code

Description and Reason of Change

AVL Product Improvement
Material BIOS Release
Assembly Process Firmware Release
Assembly BOM Datasheet / Manual
Testing DFM
Manufacturing Site Other

CTI has found pipelined bandwidth limitations and inefficiencies with the ARM Linux4Tegra ethernet drivers associated with the Intel 82574 ethernet chipsets present on Cogswell hardware revisions A through D. These driver bandwidth limitations will affect the maximum achievable FPS (frames per second) that users will be able to capture when utilizing 4 concurrent high-resolution GbE (GigE Vision) camera streams.

See the figures below for data on the Maximum Achievable FPS for each configuration.

Cogswell Supported Configurations

Number of Camera Streams Resolution Cogswell REV A – D
Max. FPS
Cogswell REV E
(and above)
Max. FPS
4 2448 x 2048p (or above) 0-1 [1] 24 [2]
1920 x 1080p 10 35 [2]
1280 x 720p 23 50 [2]
640 x 480p 65 86 [2]
3 2448 x 2048p 5 24 [2]
1920 x 1080p 15 35 [2]
1280 x 720p 40 50 [2]
640 x 480p 86 [2] 86 [2]
2 2448 x 2048p 19 24 [2]
1920 x 1080p 24 35 [2]
1280 x 720p 50 [2] 50 [2]
640 x 480p 86 [2] 86 [2]

[1] When utilizing 4 camera streams at high-resolution, CPU utilization then becomes 100% and packets are dropped
[2] These numbers are only limited from either the physical Gigabit Ethernet port bandwidth, or camera sensor output Note: Achievable FPS may vary depending on cameras, setting and system CPU utilization.

As shown above, the Cogswell hardware Revision E and onward will have increased bandwidth for multiple camera streams. This is due to CTI moving to an alternate Ethernet Chipset (Intel I210 series) which utilizes an alternate driver for ARM Linux4Tegra that does not exhibit these pipelined bandwidth limitations.

Impact of change (positive or negative) on fit, form, function & reliability

Quality and Reliability

The changes listed in Section 2 will improve the features of the product allowing 4x concurrent GbE cameras streams at high resolutions.

Software Compatibility

Cogswell Revisions A through D will utilize the e1000 driver set. (Pre-installed in Linux4Tegra) Future revisions E and beyond will utilize the igb driver set. (Pre-installed in Linux4Tegra)

Hardware Compatibility

Customers using the Cogswell revision D or older will have no issues moving to the newer revision.

Mechanical Compatibility


Product / Revision Discontinuation

The bandwidth limitations associated with the driver will be ratified in Cogswell Revision E. Please contact sales@connecttech.com for availability.

Contact Information

Phone +1-519-836-1291
Email sales@connecttech.com

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